The mood turned dark, the crowd blew hot
The rulers hatched a wicked plot And Judas sold his soul for dross While Jesus headed for the cross At supper time he wrapped a towel
Around his waist and washed their foul
Not fragrant feet, so indiscreet
His servant action so complete
Then breaking bread and pouring wine
He knew at last had come the time To celebrate the sacred feast
Commemorate the great release The Lamb of God for sacrifice Would yield his life which satisfies The cosmic debt which holds mankind
And cancels all the sins which bind
And as he passed the bread and grail He warned them that their strength would fail
They all would leave him, run and fly Dear Peter shall my name deny But I have prayed your faith will stand And when you turn and take command
Restore your brothers to their place
Encourage them with endless grace
And though I go, you’re not alone My Spirit in you makes his home He’ll come and comfort, teach, remind
And give you strength and you will find
His power and presence will take root
And you will bear abundant fruit I am the vine, you must remain
In me, and I will you sustain
They sang a hymn and then they left They soon would leave him quite bereft A mob with Judas who betrayed Came to the garden where he prayed They seized him, took him to the priests Who bayed and barked like blood-crazed beasts
To Pilate, Herod, they repaired
Until the verdict was declared
The sinless Man by cowards tried Was beaten, flogged then crucified
They nailed him to a cross of wood
The punishment for being good And on his head they placed a crown
Of woven thorns, then rammed it down
Above his head they nailed a sign A Roman said he was divine
Between the earth and heaven tied
The Saviour bridged the great divide
And with one final breath he cried
‘It is finished!’, then he died