John the Baptist came preaching and baptising in the Judean wilderness
Meanwhile another boy was hatched
Among the sons of men unmatched
His father was an ancient priest
His mother barren, wrinkle-creased
When Zechariah heard the news
The doubt-filled priest turned mute, bemused
When John was born his dad rejoiced
For John spoke with Elijah’s voice
Into the desert John then came
The King’s arrival to proclaim
Make straight the road, prepare the way
The Lord is coming any day
Believe, repent and be baptised
Turn from your sin, don’t be surprised
The King is near, prepare your hearts
Before the fire of judgment starts
Then Jesus came and joined the throng
That came to John to right their wrong
Behold the Lamb of God! said John
I may not tie his sandal’s thong
He God’s own Spirit will release
He must grow strong as I decrease
As Jesus came among the crowds
The heavens tore and rent the clouds
When John began to hesitate
The sky began to resonate
This is my Son, the One I love
And came the Spirit like a dove
So Andrew, Peter, Philip and
Nathaniel were his early band
They followed him and dared to ask
Where can we talk and learn your task?
Come follow me and you will see
The angels dancing joyfully
Upon my shoulders down and up
When I have drained the bitter cup
And if you doubt this prophecy
I saw you underneath that tree
They knew that they had found the King
The One who would salvation bring