And from the desert Jesus strode
And homeward bound he took the road
The synagogue in Nazareth
Erupted into threats of death
For Jesus dared to indicate
That Gentiles might participate
In God’s great plan to liberate
The poor and blind illuminate
In Cana at a wedding feast
The wine ran out, the party ceased
His mother told him of the wine
He answered it was not yet time
With water fill those barrels up
And let the steward taste a cup
The steward told the bridegroom straight
This vintage is immaculate
From Nazareth down to the lake
Away from home his path would take
Him far and wide, from town to town
Adored by some, by some put down
He preached and taught, cast demons out
Made lepers clean and challenged doubt
The blind could see, the deaf could hear
The bound set free, the mute could cheer
From north and south, from town and field
They came in thousands to be healed
At Simon’s house as sun went down
The sick and crazed from all around
Assembled waiting for the Lord
To speak and heal the raving horde
The demons shrieked, then all went still
As heaven’s Prince healed every ill
At dawn’s first light they rubbed their eyes
He’d vanished to their great surprise
Where are you? rose the hue and cry
He’d risen ere the dawn was nigh
And found a quiet spot to pray
His Father’s counsel to obey
Let’s go! It’s time to walk away
Pin back your ears, I’ve much to say
Capernaum beside the lake
Is where he went and asked to take
A seat in Peter’s fishing boat
He taught the crowds and stayed afloat
The Carpenter to Peter said
Into the deep, let’s go ahead
Put down your nets, let’s see what bites
But Master, I’ve been up all night
We toiled and laboured till the morn
And nothing caught, gave up at dawn
But Peter cast aside his pride
And cast his nets on Jesus’ side
The rigging creaked, the net went taut
We’ve snagged a rock was Peter’s thought
But thrashing in the boiling sea
A shoal of fish! How can it be?
And Jesus laughed while Peter rocked
He called for help to get him docked
We’ve never landed such a batch
This Carpenter is quite a catch
He knows what lies beneath the waves
He knows my heart and all my ways
Oh, I am such a sinful man
He knows the depths of who I am
And Peter fell upon his knees
Depart and let me live in peace
But Jesus smiled once more and said
From now you’re catching men instead
And James and John, come follow too
I’ve got a special job for you
Up on the beach they hauled their boats
And didn’t stop to get their coats
And as they walked along the road
A stricken leper interposed
If you are willing you can heal
Just speak the word, it’s no great deal
I’m more than willing, Jesus said
Reached out his hand and touched his head
Now show yourself unto the priest
But I don’t need a press release
One day while teaching quite a crowd
Officials who were very proud
Were hanging on his every word
To see if from the truth he erred
Then every eye looked to the roof
A hole appeared, this is the truth
A stretcher then was lowered down
With paralytic to the ground
And once again the Saviour smiled
Your sins are gone, my precious child
At this the Pharisees chipped in
For only God can pardon sin
You’re absolutely right! he said
Young man, get up and take your bed
For if you want to play that game
It’s only God who heals the lame